[row][column size=”span7″][heading size=”h3″]Learn About Spa Health Benefits[/heading]
[column size=”span5″][heading size=”h3″]Health & Wellness Benefits[/heading]
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[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”0″]Relieves Stress & Promotes Relaxation[/list-item]
[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”1″]Relieves Muscle Aches & Tightness[/list-item]
[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”2″]Great form of Physical Therapy[/list-item]
[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”3″]Relieves Back Pain[/list-item]
[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”4″]Deeper Sleep[/list-item]
[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”5″]Promotes “Family Time”[/list-item]
[list-item type=”ol” icon=”” num=”6″]Socializing with Friends[/list-item]
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[row][column size=”span7″][heading size=”h3″]Natural Pain Relief From Arthritis[/heading]
According to the Arthritis Foundation, time in a hot tub creates a helpful environment for relieving arthritis pain and stiffness. Heated water raises body temperature and increases blood circulation while and water’s buoyancy relieves stress on joints and muscles to encourage better movement. When jets are used, the warm water massage relaxes muscles, ligaments and tendons and stimulates the release of endorphins–the body’s natural pain relief mechanism.
An Arthritis Foundation publication related to spas, pools and arthritis states “Regular sessions in your hot tub keep joints moving. It restores and preserves strength and flexibility, and also protects your joints from further damage.” [/column]
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[row][column size=”span7″][heading size=”h3″]Muscle Recovery and Faster Healing[/heading]
Medical professionals suggest warmth to increase circulation and assist healing. Time in a warm spa, especially those equipped with soothing jets, helps increase circulation so the blood can supply nutrients to help cells and tissues regenerate. According to the textbook Comprehensive Aquatic Therapy by Drs. Bruce Becker and Andrew Cole, “immersion in warm water can lead to a faster and longer-lasting recovery. An environment which is less prone to cause pain, and is even pleasurable, makes immersion in warm water a unique healing environment.” [/column]
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[heading size=”h3″]A Deeper, More Relaxed Sleep[/heading]
The deep, relaxing sensation you get from time spent soaking in a spa helps release tension and starts you on a path to a restful sleep. Once you’re in a warm spa, your body’s temperature is raised, which increases blood circulation. When you leave the spa, your core temperature lowers slowly, which signals the body that it’s time to sleep.[/column]
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[heading size=”h3″]Overall Stress Relief[/heading]
People have soaked in warm water for centuries to relax. These days, hot tub owners are quick to tell us about how soothing their spa feels and how recuperative it is. Studies show the soothing effects, too. For instance, blood pressure drops after time spent in a spa.
In fact, nearly everyone logically understands that a spa helps you relax. But not everyone has felt it. There’s simply an amazing sense of calm and release after you’ve spent time getting a soothing massage in a spa.
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[heading size=”h3″]Handicapped Accessible[/heading]
Coming soon…
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